Reducing overheads are major considerations for any business. With rising electricity costs amongst the main overheads for both developed and small scale industries, taking subsequent measures for conserving energy makes financial sense.

A Grid Connect Solar System is not only a financially sound decision but also offers the opportunity to display your environmental credentials and show that your company is investing in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Power represents an excellent investment for businesses with payback periods of 3.5 to 4 years on average and return on investment of around 20% depending on your circumstances. In addition holders of an ABN will be able to claim back the GST component in the first quarter, the system can be depreciated and the Small Technology Certificates (STCs) can be efficiently managed by us as a point of sale discount.  Various feed-in tariffs also operate in different states.

Solar Powered Homes’ aim is to find you the most cost effective solution that provides you with a good return on your investment in the short term, but we recognise that solar power is also a long term investment so the system needs to perform well over time.

Electricity prices and general business overheads are on the rise and there is an increasing awareness of the need to lower our carbon footprint. Not only does Grid Connect Solar directly improve the bottom line of business operations but also lowers energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions

Whatever your reasons for enquiring about Solar Power Systems Solar Powered Homes can provide you with top of the line technology, high quality installation and in-depth monitoring and maintenance to help you get the most from your decision to go Solar.

Contact us to arrange a site inspection, system assessment and quotation for your Solar Power solution.